non-surgical procedures


  • The increase in demand for non-surgical procedures  has led to the evolution of many ‘lunch hour’ procedures in aesthetic surgery/dermatology. Patients are more keen for less invasive, less painful and economical procedures with short recovery times.
  • Till the last 25-30 years, the only way to address patients’ complaints arising from aging changes such as facial skin laxity and tissue descent- such as jowls and nasolabial folds - was facelift surgery. Indeed face-lift surgery is still the gold standard procedure for facial ageing.It is the only procedure with definitive, predictable and long lasting results in patients with an aging face. However face-lift surgery is extensive, invasive and has a long downtime&recovery.
  • The thread-lift was devised as a solution to the problem of a long down time, to minimise the scar and reduce the invasiveness of the procedure, especially in younger patients with less advanced and less severe changes of facial aging.
  • The procedure was first devised by Dr. Marlen Suleimanidze of Georgia in the mid 1990s using barbed threads. It was further popularised by Dr.Woffles Wu of Singapore around the same time. Dr. Gregory Ruff of Durham devised the concept of fixing these threads and  Dr. Nicanor Isse of New York introduced coned threads in the first decade of the 21st century. 


Thread lift is performed by injecting Local anaesthesia over the entry point in temple area and along the tract of the thread in the cheek.


It’s a minimally invasive ‘lunch hour’ procedure done under local Anaesthesia in 30-45 mins on an outpatient basis. The recovery is early,with minimal downtime and it can be repeated in future as required.


Non-surgical thread-lift is not indicated in patients with severe laxity of facial tissues, where face-lift surgery is the gold standard.It  should be avoided if the patient has active Acne or other acute facial skin infection and also in patients on Blood thinnermedication.


Good candidates are healthy adults between the ages of 30 and 50, who want to reduce the early signs of facial aging due to sagging of the cheeks, jowls, or neck.

The procedure is best performed by a qualified plastic surgeon after an appropriate consultation.

The results can last upto 1 year, depending upon the technique & thread used. 

This is a minimally invasive procedure which is performed under local anaesthesia. Depending on pain tolerance most patients describe the pain as minimal discomfort to tolerable.

No. Since the approach is through a needle puncture (like a normal injection), there will be no scars or marks left behind.

At the start of the session, numbing cream is applied for 30 mins. The procedure itself  will take  approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area being treated. Total clinic time is between 60 to 90 min.

Non-surgical thread-lift procedure is very safe,  but there will be little redness and swelling after the procedure, which will gradually subside within 24 hrs. Bruising and swelling, if it happens, usually settles in a couple of weeks.

With appropriate consultation and evaluation this is usually a single session procedure. During the two week follow-up to review the result you and your surgeon may decide to insert some more threads if required, as a touch up.

The cost depends on the type of thread chosen, the number of threads required, the technique used and the surgeon. You should discuss the costs with your treating surgeon during your consultation prior to making any decisions.

Yes, it is possible. Thread lift can be combined with  other aesthetic procedures like derma roller, lasers, chemical peels etc after 3 weeks.Other non-surgical options like laser skin resurfacing, radiofrequency (RF), HIFU can help to reduce the fine lines and improve texture. They can also restore some degree of firmness/ tone to loose skin for a variable short period of time. Injectable dermal fillers are good for volumizing & mimic a subtle lift, in younger age.  It is best to discuss this in detail with your surgeon.